Prof dr Hugo Letiche Born 20 July, 1946 Citizen Netherlands, Canada, USA.
Languages: English, Deutch & French
Research Professor Humanitas/ISCE Professor ‘Meaning in Organization’ Director DBA / part-time PhD Program University for Humanistics, Utrecht
1964-1968 B.A University of Chicago in Cultural Studies
1969-1976 M.Sc. [Drs.] Conflict Psychology, Leiden University.
1976-1984 PhD Faculty of Pedagogy, Free University Amsterdam; Field of PhD research: career development & adult learning.
1974-1981 Lecturer in the Department of Labour Relations at the Polytechnic [Hogeschool], Driebergen
1981-1999 Instructor & Programme Chairman, M.Ed. Human Resources / Management & Policy, Nutsseminarium UvA/AHA/HvA Amsterdam
1982-1984 Research Fellow, Free University Amsterdam
1984-1986 Instructor Dept. of Management, Open University (NL)
1985-1999 Assistant Professor (1985-92); Associate Professor (1992-99), Faculteit Bedrijfskunde, Erasmus University
1987 – 2003 Part-time Professor RSM (Rotterdam School of Management) 1989-1996 External Professor, Behaviour in Organisations & Core tutor, MSc in HRD Lancaster University UK 1995-2001 Professor (Part-time) in Organization & International Business, Keele University UK 2000-2002 Research Professor (Part-time) Imagination Lab, Lausanne
1999-2012 ISCE / Humanitas Professor in ‘Meaning in Organisation’ University for Humanistics, Utrecht 2006-2011 Research professor UvH, Utrecht (NL) 2007- External Research Professor, Bristol Business School, UWE Bristol UK 2010- Advisor to the Regents, Stenden University Berlin
Sterling University (UK), L’Université de Lausanne (CH), Leicester University (UK), Comenius University SLO), Charles University (CS), Warsaw University (PL), University of Poznam (PL), Essex University (UK), Durham University (UK), L’Université Paul Valery (Montpellier F), Copenhagen Business School (DK), University of California Berkeley (USA), Bristol Business School (UK).
My research interest centers on the humanization of organization focusing on the ethnography of complex (emergent) organization(s) and the postmodern / deconstructionist interpretation of ‘organizing’. My research interests are philosophically and ethically informed and include CSR / business ethics, organization & aesthetics, gender & organization, and coherence emergence & self-organization. Healthcare organization is a focus of interest.
My in-company/organization research interests center on: (1) practice(s) of ethics, and (2) creativity in organizational processes. Firms with which I have worked include: Achmea/Interpolis, Humanitas, NSO (Dutch Railways), Gist-Brocades, Corus, Siennax, Magi and Lego-ImaginationLab / Emergent Play. I am the academic member of the Achmea/ Interpolis Ethics Board.
Editorial board Organization London (Sage) 1997 – 2009 Editorial board Management Learning London 19972003 (Sage) Editorial board 1999-2003 Emergence; The Journal of Complexity & Organization New York (Erblaum) Editor for Critical Theory & Organization E:CO (Emergence, Complexity & Organization (Palgrave) 2004 – Editorial board Gender Work & Organization (Blackwells) 2001- Editorial board Journal of Organizational Change Management (Emerald) 1999-2003 Editor Europe, Journal of Organizational Change Management (Emerald) 2004 – Editorial board Tamara Journal of Critical Postmodern Organizational Science 2001- Editorial board Reason in Practice 2002 – Editorial board Culture & Organizations 2003 – Editorial Board Revue Sciences de Gestions 2004 – Editorial Board Critical Perspectives on International Business 2004 –
TEMPUS “Management Education in Poland” 19911994 budget +/- fl 1,000,000 ACE Management research in Poland & Slovakia 19941996 budget +/- fl 100,000 TEMPUS “Management Education in Slovakia” 19961998 budget fl 1,000,000 ISCE “Complexity Theory & Organization” Research Assistant 2000-2002 budget fl 200,000. ISCE Workshops “Entanglement” & “Practice(s) of Meaning” 2000-2001 budget fl 70,000. ISCE “Emergent Dialogue in Healthcare” editorial assistant 2001-2003 budget € 4,500 Foundation SOA Utrecht, project evaluation 2002-2006 € 100,000. NSO “Narrative professionalization” 2004 € 32,000. Humanitas Rotterdam “Humanization of healthcare” 2005-2011 € 17,000 per year. MeaVita, Den Haag “Humanization of healthcare” 2005-2006 € 70,000 “Het zal je Moeder maar wezen” AMC culture change programme 2006 ZonMW 2006-2008 “Open-Source Healthcare” € 100,000 RAAK 2008-2009 “De-bureaucratization” (total project) € 150,000. Post-AIDS Care Mwindi District: 2009-2011 Achmea Foundation € 140,000. ZOMmw – Ministry of Health 2010-2011 “Ethics of Memory” (under review) € 100,000) Association of Dutch Health Insurers “Ethical care for the young old” (2010-2011) (accepted with revisions) € 100,000
1995-2000 SCOS Board 2002-2006 Head of Department, University for Humanistics, Utrecht 2000-2011 Director DBA/part-time PhD Programme, University for Humanistics, Utrecht 2004-2006 Member CvB University for Humanistics, Utrecht 2005- RvT (Board of Regents) LESI
CONFERENCE (stream) convenver
“Evolution Darwin & Social Theory” 2004 Leusden NL “Listening, Noise & Silence” (Germany) 2005 “Polyphony” at Essex University UK 2006 EGOS 2007 Vienna CMS-5 2007 Manchester UK “Eldery Choose” April, 2008 (Humanitas Rotterdam) “Organization & Belief Systems” Tampa, USA March 2008 “Behind the scenes, Between the lines” Sheffield UK June 2008 CMS-6 July, 2009 Warwick University UK EGOS July, 2009 Barcelona (Sp) EGOS July, 2010 Lisbon (P) IFSAM July, 2010 Paris (F)
Books :
Praktijkgericht onderzoek in de praktijk (Maart, 2010) (with C Kuiper & L Houwling) Den Haag: Lemma. Making Healthcare Care (Sepember, 2008) Charlotte NC : IAP. Predpoklady zavadzania ISO 9000 na Slovensku coeditor co-editor with M Mizla, 1997 Kosice: IBIS Press. Management Education in the New Europe, M Lee & H Letiche ed. London: Routledge, 1996. The Practitioner’s Power of Choice H Letiche, J C van der Wolf and F X Plooij ed. [Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger], 1991. Zelf Evaluatie, Een instrument voor onderwijsgevenden en trainers [Assen: van Gorcum, 1988]. From Europe to the Teaching Team [Delft: Eburon, 1986]. Learning & Hatred for Meaning [Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1984].
Chapters in Books :
« A complexity experiment in dialogue » in Dance to the Music of Story D Boje & K Baskin eds. (2010) AZ : Emergent Publications & Charlotte NC : IAP. “Metaforen: Ansichtkaarten en Hardiness” Chris Kuiper, Loes Houweling en Hugo Letiche in Praktijkgericht onderzoek in de praktijk (Maart, 2010) (with C Kuiper & L Houwling) Den Haag: Lemma. “The Madness of our Leaders’ Days” Fiction & Leadership (with J-L Moriceau) eds. J Gosling & P Villiers, Devon: Triarchy Press (forthcoming 2010) “Case Studies: the elderly” Handbook of Case Studies London: Sage ( 2009) “Chiasms” (2009) in Un/knowing Bodies J Latimer & M Schillmeier eds. London: WileyBlackwell. « Ethik der ‘Einfuhlung’ als radikale Beziehungsstruktur » in Recht Okonomie und Ethik (forthcoming 2009) G Funke & R Kuhn (eds) Freiburg : Alber-Verlag. « AI op de schop » (2008) in Waarderend organiseren R. Masselink et.al eds. Amsterdam : Gelling/Reed Business pp 207-215 « Ethics of Recognition » in Critical Theory Ethics for Business and Public Administration D Boje ed. (2008) Charlotte NC : IAP, pp. 299-318. “Humanism & Ethics” in H Hansen ed. New Theories of Organization (2008) London: Sage. « Phenomenology » in Sage Handbook of Organization Studies S. Clegg ed. (2007). « Postmodernism » in Sage Handbook of Organization Studies S. Clegg ed. (2007). “Vicious” Organize: Manifestos for the Business School of Tomorrow (2005) Campbell Jones et.al. Stockholm. “Glissement: from Gaming to Playing” (with J Maier) Thinking Organization (2005) S Linstead ed. Oxford: Routledge pp 62-80. “Comments on Jeurissen: Organization and Moral Complexity” in Professional Ethics (2004) M Korthals & R Bogers eds., pp 21-26. “Lyotard & Organization” (2004) in Postmodernism & Organization S Linstead ed, Sage. “Baudrillard and Organization” (2004) in Postmodernism & Organization S Linstead ed, Sage. ‘Text(s) from place, space and nonplace’ (2003) (reprinted in) Text/Work London: Routledge pp 109137. “Meaning Organization & Empowerment” (2002) in Empowering Humanity Annemie Halsema & D v Houten eds. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom pp 211-228. “Postmodernisms of Pregnancy” (2002) in Interpreting the Maternal Organization eds. H Hopfl & M Kostera London: Routledge pp 155-176.
“The NET an American Modernist” (2000) D Erasmus & J Bloed eds. Reflecting the Internet 1.0 Internet Society Nederland pp 36-45 « Observer versus Audience » Aesthetics of Organization (2000) H Hopfl & S Linstead eds. London: Sage pp 154-179. « The Bodies [Nudes] all Around Me » in Body and Organization (2000) J Hassard R Holliday & H Wilmott eds. London: Sage, pp 87-106. « Business Ethics: (in-)Justice and (anti-)Law » (1998) in Ethics & Organisation Martin Parker ed. London: Sage « Strategie kvaliy: aplikovatel’nost’v strednej Europe » (with W Kaczmarczyk) in Predpoklady zavadzania ISO 9000 na Slovensku H Letiche & M Mizla co-editors, Kosice: IBIS Press, 1997, pp 72-87. « The Managerial Regimes of European High Technology Firms: Some Findings from Comparative Research » with S Ackroyd & C Louche in New Technology Based Firms in the 1990s vol 3 R P Oakley ed., 1997 London: Chapman, pp 197 – 210. `RRT Case’ Organizational Behaviour in Europe ed Françoise Chevalier London Sage, 1996, pp 177 – 201. `Doing Action Research in the New Central Europe’ in M Lee / H Letiche ed. Management Education in the New Europe, London: Routledge, 1996, pp 271 – 286. `From the Rain to the Gutter; Management Education & Consumerism in Central Europe’ in M Lee / H Letiche ed. Management Education in the New Europe, London: Routledge, 1996. pp 180 – 193. `Postmodernism Goes Practical’ in Understanding Management ed. Steve Linstead, Paul Jeffcutt, Bob Grafton-Small, London: Sage, 1996, pp 193 – 211. `Change Facilitators: Dubious Professionals’ (met Dolf v Veen) in R. Bollen ed., Educational Change Facilitators, APS Utrecht, pp 103-109, 1993. `Post experience professional education and training: inclusive or exclusive networks?’ in Naschooling in de markt P Leenheer, S Stawski, A Jansen ed. Educaboek 1992, pp 30-38. `Deconstructing Control & Consent’ in Research on Teacher Thinking, ed. C Day, 1992, pp 53-72. `Transferring Practitioner Research’ in The Practitioner’s Power of Choice, co-editors H Letiche, C van der Wolf and F Plooij, 1991 pp. 117 – 140. `Polytechnic Careers,’ in Chris Day editor, Insight into Teacher Thinking, Falmer 1990 pp 272-297. `De franse humanistische traditie’ in Wetenschap en Wetenschapsleer C. Veerman and J. Essers editors, Delft: Eburon, 1988. `Interactive Experiential Learning in Enquiry Courses,’ J. Nias editor, The Enquiring Teacher: Supporting and Sustaining Teacher Research, Falmer, 1988. `The Cultural Factor in Action Research,’ [with I. Goor] in Onderzoekend Onderwijzen, K. Both editor [Hoevelaken: CPS Publicaties, 1987].
Journal (special issue) Editor
Guest editor E:CO « Complexity/Ecology » (with Kevin Dooley) (forthcoming, 2009) Guest editor (with Peter Pelzer) (special number) « From motivation to Melville and back again » Society Business Review June 2009. Guest editor « Storytelling » (with R v Boeschoten & S Dugal) Journal of Organizational Change Management (2008) vol 21. Guest editor (special number) Revue Sciences de Gestion no 55 (2006; appeared 2007) “Listening, Noise & Silence” Guest editor Tamara vol 6 no 2 2007 “Meaning & Listening” Co-editor (with S Lilley, G Lightfoot) special number of Culture & Organization on Darwinism & Organization. (December, 2006) Guest editor (special number) Critical Perspectives on International Business vol 2 no 3 « Critical management Studies in the Netherlands » September 2006 Guest editor special number Culture & Organization (2005) vol 11 no 4 “Artaud & Melancholy.” Co-Chair workshop: CMS.NL UvH Utrecht April 2004; co-editor special number of filosofie in bedrijf Co-editor (with H Hopfl) & Introduction “Documenting the Organization in Film and Videotape” special number of Journal of Organizational Change Management on Change, Video & Film (2002) vol 15 no 1 pp 7 –10.. Co-editor (with E Lefebvre) (1999) Emergence vol 1 no 3 “Uncertainty Knowledge & Skills” (with E Lefebvre)
Dance, performance & performativity” (accepted with revisions; forthcoming 2011) Culture & Organization « Polyphony and its other » Organization Studies (March 2010) “Modus III: The new university” Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek (with H Jansen) maart 2010 vol 49 no .., pp xx-xx. « Introduction: From motivation to Melville and back again » (with Peter Pelzer) Society Business Review (June 2009). “The dark side of organizational knowing” E:CO forthcoming vol 11 no 3 (2009). “The man in the black hat” (with G Lightfoot & R Kaulingfreeks) in Culture & Organization (vol 15 no 2 pp 135-150) (2009) “Affordances” (with M Lissack) E:CO vol 11 no 3 pp 61-72 (2009). “Doubling” Society & Business Review (2009) vol 4 no 1 pp 8 – 25. « Reflexivity & affectivity » Culture & Organization vol 15 no 3-4 pp 291-306 (2009). “The dark side of organizational knowing” E:CO vol 11 no 4, pp xx-xx (2009). “Aging, Micro-Sociology versus Globalization” QHW (International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being) no 22 (2008). “Liedership – Songs that are (un-)sung” RSDG no 65 (May, 2008) pp 221-236. « Workplace learning » (with R v Boeschoten & F de Jong) Journal of Organizational Change Management (2008) vol 21 no 5 pp 641-654. “Parasites and Self-Organization” (2007) Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry vol 6 no 2 (March) pp 187 – 202. “Listening” (2006, appeared 2007) Revue Sciences de Gestion vol. no. 55 pp 115-132. “Relationality & Phenomenological Organizational Studies” (2006) Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry vol 5 no 3 pp 7 – 18. « Homology : Owen versus Darwin in Organizational Studies » (2006) Culture & Organization vol 12 no 4 pp 321-329. « Critical Management Studies (not) in the Netherlands » Critical Perspectives on International Business vol 2 no 3 pp 170-182 (September, 2006). “Evoking Metis” (with Matt Stattler) (2005) Culture & Organization vol 11 no 1 pp 1 – 16. “Picture Melancoly” (2005) Culture & Organization vol 11 no 4 pp 291-304. “Introduction: Artaud, the real and the melancholy” (2005) Culture & Organization vol 11 no 4 pp 233-234. “Linkages & Entrainment” (with Rouven Hagemeijer) JOCM vol 17 no 4 pp 365-382.
“Talk and Hermès” (2004) Culture & Organization vol 10 no 2 pp 143-162 . “Disconsolations: Philosophy as Soap Opera” (2004) (co-authors R Kaulingfreks & Geoff Lightfoot) Revue Sciences de Gestion no 40 pp 37-54 . “Vertrouwen’ specificiteit en individualiteit” Humanistiek (2003) no 14 vol 4 pp 42-50. “De Kritiek” in Het Nieuw Leren (2003) P Bakker ed. (March) pp 12-15. “Dyslogistic Information Ecologies” (with L v Mens) Management Learning vol 34 no 3 (2002) pp 329-347. “Complexity, Emergence, Resilience and Coherence — Gaining perspective on organizations and their study” (with Michael Lissack) Emergence (2002) vol 4 no 1 “Phenomenal Complexity Theory the Politics of Organization” Emergence (2002) vol 3 no 4 pp 5-26 (with a reaction from David Boje pp 26-31) . “Viagra(ization) or Techno-Romanticism” (Sept., 2002) Consumption Markets & Culture vol 5 no 3 pp. 247260. “Spelen met Human Performance Improvement” Opleiding & Ontwikkeling (2002) « Prostitution as a Male Object of Epistemological Pain” (with Lucie v Mens) Gender Work & Organization (April 2002) vol 9 no 2 pp 167-185. “Video Fractals: Research as Mass Media” (2002) Journal of Organizational Change Management vol 15 no 1 pp 6380. “Where have all the bodies gone?” (2000) LTA The Finnish Journal of Business Economics vol 49 no 3 pp 433 – 453. “Self-Organization, Action Theory & Entrainment” (2000) Emergence vol 2 no 2 pp 58-71. “Phenomenal Complexity Theory as informed by Bergson” (2000) Journal of Organizational Change Management vol 13 no 6 pp 545-557. “Self & Organization; Knowledge Work and Fragmentation” (with Rene v Hattem) (2000) Journal of Organizational Change Management vol 13 no 4 pp 352-374. “Managing Complexity from Chaos: Uncertainty Knowledge & Skills” (1999) Emergence vol 1 no 3. (with E Lefebvre) vol 1 no 3 “Emergence: Cyborgs versus Cognitivist (Social) Darwinism” (1999) Emergence vol 1 no 3. “Text(S) From Place, Space & Non-Place: Discourses of Poland” (1999) Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies, vol 5 pp 97 – 127. “Donna Haraway — the schön schön Dona(u)” (1999) Organization vol 6 no 1 pp 149 – 166. “Answers to a Discussion Note: On the Metaphor of the Metaphor (with J Uden) (1998) Organization Studies vol 19 no 6 pp 1029-1034 `Transition and Human Resources in Slovakia » Personnel Review 1998 vol 27 no 3 pp 213-226.
« ‘Soft’ Human Resources in Organization of the Third Type, » HRDI vol 1 no 1, March 1998, pp 57-74. `A weird Postmodernism & No Organizations’ British Journal of Sociology 46 (1) March 1995. `Researching Organization by Implosion and Fatality’ Studies in Culture Organization & Society vol 1, no 1, winter 1995, pp 107 – 126. `Management Research Methodology Seen from Rotterdam’ BAM News 1994 no 2. `Ontdaan van Schone Schijn’ (with Karin Sligting) MD Journaal jaargang vol 1, no 3 1993, & jaargang 2 no 4, 1994. `Verdict: Not Proven’ Organisational Studies vol no Autumn 1992, pp 150-152. `Having Taught Postmodernists’ in International Studies in Management and Organization, vol 22, no 3 pp 46-70, Winter 1992. `Some Postmodernist Observations on Student Reflexivity’ TATE, vol 7 # 5-6, 1991, pp 467 – 478. `Five Postmodern Aphorisms for Trainers, MEAD vol 21, #3. 1990. `Facilitation Fallacies,’ Action Research in Development, Bridget Somekh editor [Cambridge: CARN Bulletin no.8, 1987] `De ijzer wet van de Republique’ Psychologie en Maatschappij, vol 8, no. 3, September 1984. `What’s on in Paris?’ Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, Spring 1982. `Imelman: formeel en aktueel?’ A-80, September 1981. `Review of Man and His Story by P.C. Kuiper’ Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, Fall 1979.
`La nouvelle philosophie,’ IKON radio, 29 January, 1978. `Evaluating Management Development’ Jaarcongres Training & Opleiding RAI Amsterdam June, 1989. `International Mis-Communication’ European Foundation for Stress Management, RAI Amsterdam September, 1989. Paper `Teacher / Student Reflexivity’ St. Hilda’s Enthnography Conference, Oxford September, 1989. `Teaching Postmodernists’ EGOS ISMLO Postmodernism Conference Barcelona, 1989. `Inculsive or Exclusive Networks’ Keynote paper VELON, 1991. `Postmodernism Goes Practical’ the Valhalla Conference, EGOS Copenhagen, July 1991. `Career: Grasshoppers, Go-With-the-Flow, Backwards/Forwards, Administrators’ RSM Alumi Seminar, 1991. `Deconstructing Control & Consent’ ISATT-5 Surrey, 1991. Paper & Conference Proceedings: `Very Different Strategies’ Management Skills and the Role of Training in a Learning Organization, Montpellier, 1992. Paper & Conference Proceedings: `Future Markets for Distance Learning,’ Eurostep Conference 10 April 1992, Barcelona. Conference `Le management négocié’ Colloque International: le métier de dirigeant, Montréal, juni 1992. Keynote Paper & Proceedings `Networking: is there life after the bureaucratization?’ Ferment, Maastricht, December, 1992 `Is their life after the Bureaucratization?’ FERMENT Bilbao April 1993. `Ex-change,’ SCOS Barcelona June 1993. `Repositioning’ ISATT Gothenburg August 1993. `Student Directed Learning’ (with Hari Huijsman) EDINEB Conference Maastricht, December, 1993. `Learning & Networking’ STIP Utrecht 20 January 1994. `Talking about organisation / The organisation of talking’ (with Paul Jeffcutt) SCOS Calgary Canada, July 1994. `Fractalization of the Knowledge Worker’ Knowledge Work, Managerial Roles & European Competitiveness Workshop ESC Lyon November 30 – December 3 1994. `Visual Fractalization of Management Education’ New Perspectives on Management Education Conference, Leeds University, January 1995; and `Fractals of Visual Management Research’ Symposium: Research, Film Videotape, Bolton UK, February 1995. `Observer versus Audience’ Aesthetics of Organisation Conference 3 – 5 April 1995, Bolton UK. `The Information Highway: Fragmentation & Immediacy in Organising’ (with R v Hattem) APROS Cuernavaca Mexico Dec. 1995.
`From « Entrance Forbidden » to « No Exit »‘ SCOS Turku Finland July 1995. « Managing by Oppressiveness » (with L van Mens) Symbols of Oppression Conference Bolton UK March 1996 « The Bodies [Nudes] all Around Me » (first version) SCOS, UCLA July 1996. « The Bodies [Nudes] all Around Me » (revised version) Organization & the Body Conference, September 1996. « The Battle of the Rafts » (with R v Hattem) EuroConference Knowledge Work, Porto September, 1996. « The Behaviour of Knowledge Workers in Knowledge Intensive Firms » ISMICK ’96 Rotterdam October 1996. “Subjectile(s) of (in-)Justice” Business Ethics Workshop, Keele January, 1997. Keynote paper « Zapping » SCOS Warsaw July 1997 « Prostitution and the Rupture of Representation » SCOS Warsaw July 1997. (with L van Mens) « http://travellers.page//html //<.com?> » « Travellers Tales Workshop » Oxford Brookes University, November, 1997. Keynote paper “The Complexity of Presence: Is the Proximal really Here?” Uncertainty Knowledge & Skill Conference University of Limburg (B) November, 1997. « Fractals, Prostitution and the Representation of ‘Manliness’” (with L van Mens) Gender & Society Conference, Manchester UK, January 1998. Keynote paper: “Ethnography of complexity” NESCI conference University of Toronto Business School, April 1998. “Trust, The Knowledge Worker & the Experiential” EGOS, July 1998 Maastricht.. “Ironic Science: Competing with competition” SCOS, July 1998 San Paulo Brazil. “From Almost No-Mass, to Mass, Viagra-ization of pharmaceutical R & D” (with F Janszen & S Magala), International Workshop the Consumption of Mass, Shrewsbery UK, Nov 1998. Keynote paper: “Why Coherence” Managing the Complex Boston 17-21 March 1999. “Phenomenal Complexity Theory” (2001) Onderzoeksgroep Sociocybernetica January. “Phenomenal Complexity Theory” IABD Orlando Florida (May) “An(O)ther matrix” (2001) (with J Maier) paper presented at EGOS Lyon, July. “Practice(s) of Meaning” (2001) Inaugural address University for Humanistics Utrecht, Sept. (30 pages) “Practices of Meaning” (2001) Filosofie en Organisatie Vught Sept. “From Hermes to Hannover” IABD conference Los Angeles, April 2002. “Talk and Hermès: Totemic operator / totemic operations” Ethnomethodology conference Essex University, March 2002. “Metis” (with Matt Stattler) Art & Organization Conference, Kings College London September 2002.
“Disorganization/Organization and Emergence” ISCE Conference Dec 7-10 2002. “Disconsolations: Philosophy as Soap Opera” (coauthors R Kaulingfreks & Geoff Lightfoot) Critical Management Studies-3, July 2003. “The Man in the Black Hat” ” (co-authors R Kaulingfreks & Geoff Lightfoot) Critical Management Studies-3, July 2003. “Co(m)positioning: Parasites & Self-Organization” Crossing Frontiers in Quantitative & Qualitative Research Methods American Academy of Management, Lyon 18-20 March 2004. “Experiential Homology” Conference: Evolution, Darwin & Organizational Theory (with Leicester University UK) Leusden NL 12-14 Nov. 2004 “De-Magification; Magic realism, organization & Cortazar” Egos, Ljubljana, July 2004. “Pictures of Melancoly” Art of Managing Conference Paris Sept. 7-10 2004. “Translations and Complexities” UK Complexity Society & ISCE Workshop George Washington University Washington DC 17-19 Sept 2004. “Work Place Learning, Narrative & Professionalization” SC ‘MOI April 2005 Philadelphia (with Robert v Boeschoten & Frank de Jong) “Blindness; the Soil of Organization” CMS-4 Cambridge UK July 2005 “Emperi(qu)e” EGOS Berlin, July 2005. “Ethics of Recognition” ADERSE Lyon October 2005. “Phenomenological Organizational Studies” sc’moi Washington DC April 2006. “AnOther with(out) Other?” Essex/Keele/UvH Polyphony Workshop April 2006. “Is there a We in (social) justice?” EGOS Bergen (N) July 2006. “Doubling” sc’moi Las Vegas March 2007 “Dance is …” EGOS Vienna July 2007. “Social Humanist (Organizational) Research” CMS-5 Manchester UK July 2007 (with G Lightfoot). “Chiasms” Worshop Knowing/Unknowing Bodies Cardiff University 3-5 September 2007 “Aging, Micro-Sociology versus Globalization” APROS December 2007 New Delhi India. “The Hadot Interview” (with J-L Moriceau) Tampa Fl. April, 2008 “Storytelling / truth-telling & parrhesia” Storytelling workshop Utrecht 19 May 2008 “Affordances” (with M Lissack) EGOS workshop Cyprus June, 2008 “Killing the elderly” Behind the scenes; between the lines” June 25-27 2008 Sheffield UK, conference coorganizer “Writing Human Studies” Séminaire Vie et travail C.U.Lyon July 2-4 2008.
« Michel Serres: Complexity Ethics » Towards an Ethics of Complexity Utrecht November, 2008. « Cracher dans la soupe » Keynote opening SIANA Evry France, March 2009. « The ethics of researching ethics » Keynote opening of Research Centre Bristol Business School. Spring 2009. « Analysis by metaphor » (with A Cath & A Petersen) EGOS July 2009 Bacelona « Stories of Hardiness » (with C Kuiper & L Houweling) EGOS July 2009, Bacelona « Pas-Tout Réel » CMS July 2009 Warwick University « Kentridge ‘Looking’” Copenhagen Nov 2009 / SIANA Nanchang China Oct 2009. « Panel: the new humanism » APROS Monerrey Mx. December, 2009. « In and out of the digital nose: W Kentridge » April, 2010 guest lecture University of California at Berkeley. “The narcissism of the consultant” (with R v Hattem) LEAMOS Buenos Aires April 2010. “Panel: Crisis & Social-Ethical Assumptions” LEAMOS Buenos Aires April 2010.
Coherence & Emergence (with M Lissack), (publication planned, 2010), Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Organization & Belief (with P Case & H Hopfl) London: Palgrave (forthcoming 2011) The Relevant PhD (with H Hopfl & G Lightfoot) New York : Peter Lang (forthcoming 2011) The Magic of Organization (ed. with S Linstead) (forthcoming 2010-11) London: Elgar. Complexifying Critical Pedagogics (eds. S Steinberger, H Jansen & H Letiche) New York: Peter Lang (planned 2011). European Auto-Ethnography (with J-L Moriceau) Walnut Creek : Left Coast Press (planned 2012).
Chapters in Books
« Complexity Ethics » in J Hassard, D Boje & B Burnes eds. Handbook of Organizational Change (2010) Oxford : Routledge « Cracher dans la soupe » Annales de SIANA J-L Moricea et al eds. (2010). “De-magic-ification” in Magic of Organization (edit with S Linstead) London: Elgar (forthcoming) “Hadot and Philosophy as a way of organizational life” (with J-L Moriceau) (Dis-)Belief — Uses of belief & spirtuality London: Palgrave, June 2011.
Articles “Hardiness” (with C Kuiper & L Houwling) Culture & Organization (submitted to special number 2011) “Is there a We in (social) justice?” OS (accepted with revisions). “Taste” (to be revised) « Michel Serres: Complexity Ethics » (to be revised) “Storytelling / truth-telling & parrhesia” (to be revised)
Papers “Slow” with H Hopfl & J-L Moriceau EGOS July 2010 Lisbon
1) Henk de Weerd, October 2001 (UvH) 2) David Oliver, July 2002 (Université de Lausanne) 3) Hans Becker, October, 2003 (UvH) 4) Jacco v Uden, May 2004 (UvH) 5) Rene Brohm, Sept 2005 (Erasmus) 6) Rouven Hagemeijer, October 2005 (Erasmus) 7) Norman Schreiner, December 2005 (UvH) 8) Ton Bruining, Feb 2006 (UvH) 9) Joachim Meier, June 2006 (UvH) 10) Gabriel Antonio, Dec 2006 (UvH) 11) Chris Kuiper, Sept 2007 (UvH) 12) Jean-Luc Moriceau April 2008 ‘Habitation’ (Paris, Dauphine) 13) Richard Ahl, May 13 2008 (UvH) 14) Ricki Crins, Sept. 2008(UvH) 15) Marc Steen, Nov 2008 (TU Delft) 16) Hans Jansen, March 2009 (UvH) 17) Diederik v Meenen, April 2009 (UvH) 18) Lena Bendien June, 2010 (UVH) 19) In Progress: Robert Earhart (UvH) Loes Houweling (UvH) Yvonne Buenger (UvH)
Meralda Slager (UvH) Frits Bosman (UvH) Phillippe Mairesse (UvH) Hilda Ham (UvH) Samir Marakem (UvH) Temi Mutia (UvH) Vincent Pieterse (UvH) Maarten v Veen (UvH) Elvin Zoet (UvH) Rene V Hattem (UvH) Cees Grol (UvH) Hans Frederik (UvH) Ben Langerwey (UvH) Lizet van Donkersgoed (UU)
Gijs ten Kate (UvH) Cheryl Lapp (UvH) Marcel Zwart (UvH) Jan Mulder (UvH) Albert Cath (UvH) Karen Sligting, (UvH)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
CONTACT : h.letiche@uvh.nl